Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to get 150,000 visitors in 150 days or less: 10 Easy-to-follow Hubpages Tricks

I would like to thank all my readers, visitors and fellow hubbers who inspired me to achieve this landmark feat in a shortest period. 151,000+ views in less than 150 days is not possible without all of YOU. I am grateful to all of YOU.

Every hubber wants to know the secret of bringing more visitors to their hub pages. We all know that the traffic means popularity and more importantly money. Hubpages in my opinion is a great place for the newbies because, you don't need to spend a lot of time getting the traffic. If you want to earn more money with Adsense, eBay or Amazon you need to get more visitors. Even if you write great and useful hubs, you need to know and follow certain tips to attract traffic. I am going to teach you some essential tips and easy-to-follow tricks (nothing illegal) to get more traffic in less time.

Earlier, when I was blogging alone, I spent hours and hours to put together a great article but, no one would visit because my blog would get lost in the billions and billions of other obscure blogs. With hubpages, when you publish a hub page article, you can potentially reach few thousand people in few hours.

I published my first hub page article Indian Women:Fashion Gallery 1 which is a photo gallery of Indian women on 22nd December 2007. In less than 150 days from then on, I have published 141 hub page articles (mostly photo galleries and few tips). The traffic I got for my hubpages is phenomenal, considering I didn't do anything to promote my hubpages. The screenshot (look below) shows that the total visitors count has crossed 152,000 until this minute. For the first weeks, I had no clue on how my hubpages get traffic (honestly). Then, I sat down and thought about the things I do to figure about why my hubpages are popular. Here are the secrets of my Hubpage traffic. If you follow, you can also get more than 150,000 visitors to your hubpages

This is supposed to me my 150th Hub page, but since my traffic already crossed the 150, 000 mark and I have to publish this now (Hub page # 142) . It's alright I would fill in the remaining 8 hub pages in this week with some high quality photo galleries (LOL!).

1. Publish more; Publish often:
When I joined hubpages, I had a goal of publishing at least one new hub every day. Though, I didn't achieve it, I published at least 3 to 5 articles every week which is still good. When you publish your hub pages, it shows up in the main page under "Latest Hubs" which is a great way to attract readers. If you have a catchy title and a pretty thumbnail picture, readers would be inclined to visit your hub. So, always think outside the box and choose a catchy headline. Also, include a picture in the first or second paragraph of your hub, it will appear as a thumbnail.
2. Publish Hubapges with eye-catchy photos:
Let us face the truth - a picture is worth thousand words. Naturally, a collection of photos attract more eyeballs than the boring text. Publish high quality photos in your hub page article, even if you are writing about a theory. You could use Creative Commons search to find images, photos and illustrations that you can legally use on your hub page for free. Always include a credit to the creator (photographer / artist) if you know the source.
3. Use lists or paragraphs:
People like to see, skim through rather than reading pages of text. So, why not use lists? An article such as '5 Little Known Things about Making Money with Adsense' would easily attract more visitors than a boring 'Adsense Tips and Tricks'. If you can not use lists, consider splitting your hub into different paragraphs, assemble with a photograph beside.
4. Publish useful tutorials:
My highly rated hubs are not the photo gallery ones, but the useful tutorials, how-to-do articles. Readers like useful content, the hubs from which they can learn something. If you write a well-researched, useful tutorial then readers will market your hubs to their friends and write about on their blogs. Always check out the 'Idea bank' and the 'Requests' page to check what people are look for. When you answer their request, you would have got a hub. For instance, I answered SunSeven's request to get this useful hub Create a YouTube Slide show Video with FREE software tools.

5. Interlink your Hubpages:
You can always tell your readers about your other interesting hubpages that are of similar taste. When a visitor finds your hub from a search engine result, they will land on your hub page directly and hence they might not check your profile and other hub pages. So, always include a "Related Hubs" or "Interesting Pages" section at the bottom of every hubpage so people will check out other hubpages.

Another essential thing is "grouping hubs". Use edit gruops to organize your hubs into similar groups. When you do this, a little task bar appears below the hub to point the readers to a previous and next hub in the same group. Great, isn't it?

Another little trick that I use is to insert your own tracker code every time, when I link to any hubpage article. I include it in every thing including my hubpages. You can gain from every click.
6. Visit other's Hubpages and leave comments:
Alwasys encourage your fans. As soon as someone becomes my fan, I visit their page and become their fan and read their hubs and leave few encouraging comments. I do rate the hubs with a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down". This form of hubtivity indirectly builds more traffic to your hub pages. When you leave a good comment, other readers will visit your hub pages to check out your hub pages too. So, please leave comments everywhere and honestly express what you liked or what you didn't like. Feedback is a good way to improve things.
7. Bookmark on Social Sites:
There are plenty of social bookmarking sites on the net such as delicious, stumble upon, digg, reddit and yahoo bookmarks. When you publish your hub, use the "Share it" button on the bottom to submit your hub to the bookmarking sites. There is nothing wrong in submitting your own hubs to the social bookmarking sites, however be sure you do not spam them with every article you publish.

An alternative way is to form a group and invite fellow hubbers and help each other with submissions and thumbs ups. If you are look for me in the social bookmarking sites, I am part of the following sites.
8. Hang out in Forums:
Forums are a great place to attract more visitors. Initiate a good thread, take part in discussion and you can do a decent promotion for you best hub page articles. I am not only talking about the Hubpages Forum, but other special interest group forums as well. Members of a special interest forum always love good how-to-do kind of articles and then they even promote your hub page on other forums. So, join different forums and actively participate.
9. Publish Free E-books:
E-books are the best way to do a viral marketing on the web. Write a simple 10-page article on anything you know and host them on Google Pages or eSnips. You can include the e-book download link on your profile page. Got no idea about writing e-book? How about compiling the best of you hubs and publish them as an e-book.
There are plenty of e-book marketing sites where you can upload your e-book for free. Always include a bio page in the free e-book and a link back to your hub page profile. For instance, you may check out my collection of hub pages in this hub Shalini Presents 'A Complete Digest of 121 Hubpages' .
10. Increase your Hubscore:
Do not spam hub pages. If your hubscore is higher, you will get more traffic. So, try to increase your hubscore by doing some good things. Do not include promotional materials on your hub pages. Linking to a site more than twice in the same article, will undermine your hubscore. Participate in the Hub page forums, leave comments and encourage other hubbers and publish good hubs. Check out this hub How Hubscore Works by darkside to know how you can increase your hubscore.
Tips from Fellow Hubbers / Readers :
This is the section for reader's tips. If you specify any other traffic tip that I didn't mention you can leave them in comments. I will specify it here and link your hub page profile from this article and hence you will get plenty of traffic too.

1 comment:

online games said...

GREAT ARTICAL. but I Have lack of knowledge about english thats why i can not write more hub artical.

I want to know how can I link exchange my hub or blog with another good hub and blog.

My have a blog
is my new in my life.

Can You link my blog with you?